Mixer icons - Along the top of the Mixer window:.FL Studios Playlist is not bound to any 'Instrument' or 'Mixer' Track. Mixer Tracks vs Mixer channels - The terms Mixer Tracks and Mixer Channels are interchangeable, we use 'Tracks' to differentiate them from plugin 'Channels' in the Channel Rack. NOTES: If your Mixer looks different to the above, choose the Compact view and stretch the Mixer height to match (some features will not be visible if the height is too small).

For a detailed description of recording audio from internal and external sources see the Audio Recording page. Selected tracks are highlighted with green faders (track 1 below is selected). Select multiple tracks by holding ( Ctrl+Shift). Select a track by Left-clicking the pan or fader controls. To see tracks outside the current view, use the Track Scroll Bar below the 'Send' switches OR roll your Mouse-wheel over the track names. In combination with the layout options (on the Mixer layout menu), the controls visible will change to suit the Mixers size.

The Mixer has three docks for tracks (left, middle and right) and can be stretched horizontally or vertically by clicking the edges and dragging. There are 125 x Insert Tracks for receiving input from plugins and external audio Inputs, 1 x Current track for hosting tools like Edison and Wave Candy and a Master track for master effects processing. Unless specifically directed, newly added Channels are routed to the Master Mixer Track. All audio in FL Studio passes through the Mixer.